Monday, April 6, 2009

North Texas Spring Round-Up

Yesterday was the annual spring round up for my area through the Dave's Garden website. It was tons of fun, even if it was a bit chilly and extremely windy. It was nice to meet fellow gardeners, trade tips and ideas, and PLANTS!!

Here's some of what I took to trade (give away):

From my winter sowing seedlings, I took Texas Sage/Hummingbird Sage (salvia coccinea) in red and pink and Blanket Flower/Indian Blanket (Gaillardia aristata). They were big enough to transplant from the milk jugs, but still need to be babied for a few weeks while their root systems get established in their new 4" pots. I watered them with a watered down organic feeder at transplant time, so they should do just great. I also took some Texas Gold Columbine that I sowed last October, a couple of NOID daylilies that are in too much shade in my yard to do anything, and a couple of Shasta Daisy "Becky" plants that I thought I'd taken care of last fall when I dug them all out.

Fellow gardeners, like fellow stitchers, are extremely generous. This is some of what I brought home. Some of these plants I'd traded for (from my stash above) and some were extras folks had brought along to get rid of. There were exchanges for some, but most people just wanted to get rid of so they wouldn't have to haul them home! LOL

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